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Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing Therapy at Love Play Grow

EMDR THERAPY in New Jersey


Our stories are filled with joy, bliss, and triumph—falling in love with your lifelong partner, the birth of your child, or that promotion that skyrocketed your career.

But naturally, our paths are also marked by fear, pain, and valleys.

You may lose a loved one, endure abuse, or witness a violent episode. You might have been neglected as a child or survived a catastrophic accident. And while you can process and recover from these traumatic events, sometimes they might linger, leaving a trace of distressing effects.


The weight of trauma may affect your ability to function and enjoy your life. But it doesn’t define you or dictate your future. It’s only part of your experience and what makes you human.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR Therapy, is a treatment designed to help you process unresolved memories and recover from trauma.

You don’t have to keep carrying the “bricks” of trauma. We can help you find ease and rebuild a loving “home.” If you, your teen, or your child are struggling with the debilitating effects of trauma, we are here to support you.

What is EMDR Therapy?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a therapy that aims to de-condition the body from reacting to traumatic material that our brains have repressed. Sometimes trauma is easily recognizable and sometimes it is harder to identify. We are trained to notice trauma and its effects, and use EMDR to provide you with relief. EMDR is most commonly recommended for PTSD, but is helpful for a variety of conditions, including anxiety, depression, phobias, panic disorder, sleeping issues, and OCD.

What is trauma?

Trauma is your reaction to a life-threatening or unsettling event. This response can be immediate or build up over time, leading to damaging consequences if not resolved.  

Some of the experiences that may cause trauma include:

  • Bullying or humiliation
  • Childhood neglect or abandonment
  • Discrimination or oppression over race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or culture
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Motorized accident (e.g., car, train, plane, boat, machinery)
  • Natural disasters
  • Physical, emotional, or mental abuse
  • Severe medical condition or injury
  • Violent attack or criminal act
  • Warfare or combat activities
  • Witnessing someone else go through a traumatic incident

Some of these events may seem “bigger” than others, yet they all have the potential to leave open wounds or unhealed scars behind. 

Child and Family Therapy Services in New Jersey


At Love Play Grow, it is our goal to provide quality, compassionate care for kids, teens and adolescents, adults, and families. and enrich their lives with the skills they need to love, play, and grow into their best selves.

What is post-traumatic stress?

When you go through a traumatic experience (e.g., a house fire), your nervous system may trigger a fight, flight, or freeze response to keep you safe. You might do everything you can to contain the flames, run out of the house to an outdoor area, or stay put and wait for help. As you try to protect yourself from danger, you may experience distressing thoughts, emotions, and sensations.

Once the fire is out and safety is restored, your mind and body may start to settle and eventually calm down. Yet, sometimes, people endure long-term physical, emotional, and mental consequences of the traumatic episode, also known as post-traumatic stress. This means that certain triggers (e.g., fire, smoke, fire truck siren) may bring back recollections of the incident and spark the same reaction.

What is eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)?

When you go through a traumatic experience (e.g., a house fire), your nervous system may trigger a fight, flight, or freeze response to keep you safe. You might do everything you can to contain the flames, run out of the house to an outdoor area, or stay put and wait for help. As you try to protect yourself from danger, you may experience distressing thoughts, emotions, and sensations.

Once the fire is out and safety is restored, your mind and body may start to settle and eventually calm down. Yet, sometimes, people endure long-term physical, emotional, and mental consequences of the traumatic episode, also known as post-traumatic stress. This means that certain triggers (e.g., fire, smoke, fire truck siren) may bring back recollections of the incident and spark the same reaction.

Do I need EMDR therapy? Does my child need EMDR therapy?

Common signs of post-traumatic stress include:

  • Avoiding people, places, or anything that reminds you of trauma
  • Constant state of vigilance and fear
  • Excessive worry or nervousness
  • Flashbacks or nightmares about the traumatic incident
  • Guilt or shame
  • Helplessness or self-esteem issues
  • Intrusive thoughts or emotions about the experience
  • Lack of energy, focus, and motivation
  • Mood swings or irritability
  • Sleep problems

While EMDR is mostly used to address trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it’s also an effective approach to treat other conditions, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Panic attacks and panic disorder
  • Phobias
  • Sleep problems

If you or your child are experiencing any of these conditions or signs of post-traumatic stress, EMDR Therapy can provide relief. 

HOW can EMDR Therapy in New Jersey help?

EMDR therapy can help you or your loved one:


Examine Trauma

You may be experiencing draining symptoms, but you may not know where they stem from or what they mean.

The first step of EMDR therapy involves discussing your history, disturbing experiences, and current stressors. We will help you or your child explore your trauma to understand how it may impact your daily life. And we will use this information to design a treatment plan with specific target memories and goals.

Gain Coping Skills

We will teach you strategies to cope with symptoms and potential distress that may surface during treatment. This includes breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, and relaxation techniques.

Remember, you are not alone in this!

We will explain how the process works, answer your questions, and support you along the way.



Reprocess memory + Alleviate symptoms

You will select a target memory and identify its components: mental images, thoughts, emotions, and body sensations. You will also choose a positive belief to replace the negative aspects of your memory.

Next, we will ask you to concentrate on your memory as we guide you through sets of bilateral stimulation. You will have the opportunity to share any undesired thoughts, feelings, or sensations that come up. 

Then, you will focus on the chosen positive belief as you go through further rounds of stimuli, until you successfully reprocess the memory. The goal is to change how the memory is stored and ease the distressing response associated with the traumatic event.

the LOVE PLAY GROW Approach


We start by recognizing and celebrating the inherent strengths within each individual and family. Our therapists observe and identify the positive attributes, talents, and coping mechanisms that are already present.


Acknowledge and address challenges and weaknesses in a supportive and non-judgmental manner by creating a safe space for children and families to express their concerns and vulnerabilities.

Build SKILLS where it's HELPFUL

We work collaboratively with children and families to develop and enhance coping mechanisms, communication skills, and emotional regulation tools based on strengths & challenges.

Schedule your get started call today!

Where Love and Play Nurture Growth, Together, Through Every Stage of Life


get started at love play grow

Schedule Get Started Call

15-20 min call where we collect information about you or your child and get your initial session scheduled.

Attend Initial Session

EMDR Therapy starts with an initial meeting, where we get to know you or your child and discuss your goals.

Following Sessions

Treatment may last between six to 12 sessions, depending on your progress. Sessions are generally scheduled weekly and may involve the attendance of caretakers.

EMDR Therapy in New Jersey at Love Play Grow

We offer Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR Therapy, to children, teens, and adults living in New Jersey, including Wayne, Pequannock, Pompton Plains, Oakland, Glen Ridge, Montclair, Ridgewood, Kinnelon, Montville, and other nearby areas.

We tailor this mind-body method to your unique journey, incorporating play as a creative avenue to heal. Our goal is to deliver kind and reliable care so you can gain valuable skills and enhance your quality of life.


Top-Rated Play Therapist in NJ

Love Play Grow is a HOLISTIC PLAY THERAPY and Professional Counseling Boutique for Kids, Teens, Adolescents, Adults, & Families in New Jersey

Expert care and guidance for ADHD, learning disabilities, OCD, anxiety disorders, depression, behavioral issues, parenting issues, divorce, sibling issues, etc. Love Play Grow is where love and play, nurture growth, through every stage of life.

Not sure if play therapy or professional counseling is best for you or your family? We have a Get Started Call for that.

Out-of-Network Play Therapy & Professional Counseling Boutique

Read more about out-of-network insurance.

Love play grow locations

we’re in Morris & Union County

Play Therapy & Professional Counseling Services for Across the Lifespan


Do we accept insurance? Wondering how to get started? Get answers in our FAQs or schedule a Get Started Call to talk with us in real-time.

Do you accept insurance?

Love Play Grow is an out-of-network provider and private pay practice. As a private pay practice we do not directly bill insurance for therapy sessions. However, we can happily provide superbills for you to submit to your insurer for potential reimbursement and/or application toward your deductible if needed. 

Read more here

What should be expected during the initial session?

The first session is for parents/caregivers only and is an information-gathering session.

The initial session is where the therapist you’ll be working with will gather lots of background information about your child and family.

Things like family history, child developmental history, and background. It’s also your chance to ask the therapist any questions.

*Parent sessions MUST be done with BOTH parents if both are alive and involved in the child, teen, or young adult's life. We understand getting two parents in the room at the same time is very difficult and are flexible in meeting virtually or in our office. Children CANNOT attend these parent sessions.

The Initial Intake Session is just for whoever has custody of the child, teen, or young adult.

What are sessions like after the initial session?

New client onboarding consists of four sessions in order to determine the best treatment plan.

The second and third sessions are for your child and we refer to them as assessment and diagnosis sessions. What the therapist is really doing is looking for strengths and weaknesses in order to develop a treatment plan.

The fourth session is a parent follow-up session where the therapist will discuss with you what they believe is occurring, what they think would be helpful, and how they would recommend moving forward.

Every child, teen and adolescent, adult and family are different, so sometimes children are seen individually, sometimes they’re seen with their parents, or sometimes they’re seen in groups, it all depends on what we see in the new client onboarding sessions.

What ages do you work with?

We work with kids, teens and adolescents, adults, and families across the lifespan, ages 3+ for everything from ADHD, learning disabilities, OCD, anxiety disorders, depression, behavioral concerns, parenting issues, divorce, sibling issues, etc.

What will the duration of therapy be?

Your therapist will discuss with you at the fourth session, Parent Follow-Up, what they recommend in terms of frequency and duration of treatment.

How long are sessions?

All sessions are 45-50 minutes long, and at the beginning of our relationship will often occur once weekly.

Once progress has been made, we will consult you to determine collaboratively if a decision to reduce session frequency is beneficial.

Any decisions made involving scheduling will be made with you, with the understanding that your time is precious.

Do we offer evening hours?

Yes, because we work with children, teens and adolescents, and families we primarily work evening hours.

However, there are only so many after-school hours in a week. We do our best to accommodate everyone’s schedules but it can be challenging. We do have therapists who offer weekend hours as well.

Get Started with Play Therapy & Professional Counseling

Book a Get Started Call

Schedule a 15-minute Get Started Call to learn more about which service(s) would be best for you and your family.

Get Familiar with Our Process

During your get started call, we will answer questions, review our process, and schedule the initial sessions.

Attend the Initial Sessions

Your therapist will get to know you and your family and offer a supportive plan to help you and your family reach your goals.