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Is Play Therapy Evidence-Based? [Explained by a Registered Play Therapist]

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Play is a child’s language. It’s how they explore the world, process emotions, and make sense of their experiences. But can something so natural and enjoyable be truly effective in addressing mental health challenges? The short answer is: yes.

At Love Play Grow, we believe in the power of play as a therapeutic tool. We specialize in holistic play therapy and professional counseling for children, teens, adults, and families in New Jersey. But we understand that you might be wondering if play therapy is truly backed by scientific evidence. In this post, we’ll explore the research and delve into how play therapy can benefit your child.

is play therapy evidence based

The evidence behind play therapy

So, is child-centered play therapy actually evidence-based? The answer is a resounding yes. Play therapy has a rich history, with decades of research supporting its benefits for children.

Current play therapy research shows that this form of counseling can be highly effective in addressing a wide range of childhood challenges, including:

Anxiety and depression

Play therapy helps children understand and manage their emotions, building resilience and coping skills. [1]

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Through play, children can process traumatic experiences in a safe and supportive environment, fostering healing and recovery. [2

Behavioral issues

Play therapy can help children develop self-control, improve social skills, and make better choices. [3]

ADHD and learning disabilities
  • Play therapy can enhance focus, attention, and problem-solving abilities. [4]
Autism spectrum disorder

Research suggests that cognitive-behavioral play therapy can help reduce anxiety symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder. [5]

It’s important to note that while play is central to the process, play therapy is a structured approach guided by trained professionals. Therapists observe children’s play, interpret their actions, and provide support and guidance to promote emotional growth and development.

How does play therapy work?

Play therapy is more than just free play. It’s a structured therapeutic approach where a registered play therapist creates a safe and nurturing environment for children to explore their emotions and experiences through play.

Here’s how it works:

  • A safe space: Play therapy provides a secure environment where children can express themselves freely without fear of judgment.
  • Non-verbal communication: Through play, children can communicate their thoughts and feelings in ways they might not be able to verbally.
  • Processing emotions: Play allows children to process difficult emotions and experiences in a safe and controlled manner.
  • Building resilience: By overcoming challenges within the play world, children develop coping mechanisms and resilience to face real-life difficulties.
  • Developing social skills: Play therapy offers opportunities to practice and improve social interactions, communication, and cooperation.
  • Therapeutic relationship: The bond between the child and the play therapist is essential. It provides a foundation of trust and support for the therapeutic process.

Remember, play therapy is tailored to each child’s unique needs and developmental stage. The therapist will observe the child’s play, ask open-ended questions, and offer guidance when necessary.

Who are play therapists?

Play therapists are licensed mental health professionals with specialized training in the therapeutic use of play. They possess a deep understanding of child development, psychology, and the power of play as a communication tool.

To become a play therapist, professionals typically hold a master’s or doctoral degree in psychology, counseling, or a related field. They undergo rigorous training and supervision, focusing on play therapy theories, techniques, and ethical standards.

A play therapist’s role involves creating a safe and supportive environment where children can express themselves freely through play. They observe children’s play, interpret their actions, and provide therapeutic interventions to help children process emotions, develop coping skills, and build resilience.

is play therapy evidence-based

How can play therapy can help?

Play therapy offers a multitude of benefits for children. It’s a powerful tool for helping them navigate life’s challenges and develop essential skills. Here are some of the key advantages:

Emotional expression

Play therapy provides a safe outlet for children to express their feelings, even when they struggle to put them into words.

Improved communication

Through play, children learn to communicate their needs and wants more effectively, both verbally and non-verbally.

Increased self-esteem

As children gain confidence in their ability to overcome challenges in the play world, their self-esteem grows.

Stronger relationships

Play therapy helps children develop empathy, cooperation, and social skills, leading to healthier relationships with peers and family.

Reduced anxiety and stress

Play therapy can help children manage anxiety and stress by providing tools for coping and relaxation.

Enhanced problem-solving skills

Through play, children learn to think creatively, find solutions to problems, and make decisions.

Play therapy is a valuable resource for children facing a variety of challenges. It offers a supportive and enjoyable environment where they can learn, grow, and thrive.

What are the limitations of play therapy?

While play therapy is a highly effective approach for many children, it’s essential to understand its limitations. Play therapy may not be suitable for every child, and it’s not a standalone treatment for severe or complex mental health conditions.

Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether play therapy is right for your child.

  • Child’s developmental stage: Very young children or those with severe developmental delays may not benefit fully from play therapy.
  • Severity of issues: For children experiencing severe trauma, abuse, or neglect, play therapy may need to be combined with other therapeutic interventions.
  • Child’s resistance: Some children may initially resist play therapy or find it difficult to engage in the process.
  • Therapist expertise: The effectiveness of play therapy depends on the therapist’s training, experience, and ability to build rapport with the child.

It’s important to note that play therapy is often used in conjunction with other therapeutic modalities, such as parent counseling or family therapy, to provide comprehensive support.

If you’re not sure whether play therapy is the right fit for your family, we invite you to contact us for a free consultation.

Love Play Grow: A holistic approach to play therapy

At Love Play Grow, we’ve seen firsthand how using play therapy with children can give them powerful tools for healing and growth. Our holistic play therapy approach focuses on the whole child, addressing their emotional, social, and cognitive needs. We create a warm, welcoming environment where children can explore, express themselves, and build practical coping strategies.

Our highly trained therapists utilize evidence-based play therapy techniques tailored to each child’s unique needs. We combine play therapy with other therapeutic modalities, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness, to provide comprehensive care.

Our goal is to empower children to overcome challenges, develop skills, and reach their full potential. We work closely with parents and caregivers to provide support and guidance throughout the therapeutic process.

is play therapy evidence-based

Schedule a consultation for play therapy today

Is your child struggling to express their emotions? Are they having trouble making friends or thriving at school? Play therapy could be the key to unlocking their potential. At Love Play Grow, we offer a nurturing environment where children can thrive.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how play therapy can benefit your child.


[1] O, J.S., Kim, H.J., & Ha, Y. (2019). Effects of Sand Play Therapy on Depression and Anxiety in Adolescents: A Case Study. School Counselling and Sandplay.

[2] Evans, C.T. (2020). Adlerian Play Therapy and Trauma. The Journal of Individual Psychology, 76, 217 – 228.

[3] Gupta, N., Chaudhary, R., Gupta, M., Ikehara, L., Zubiar, F., & Madabushi, J.S. (2023). Play Therapy As Effective Options for School-Age Children With Emotional and Behavioral Problems: A Case Series. Cureus, 15.

[4] El-Nagger, N.S., Abo-Elmagd, M.H., & Ahmed, H.I. (2017). Effect of applying play therapy on children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7, 104.

[5] Wood, J.J., Drahota, A., Sze, K.M., Har, K., Chiu, A.W., & Langer, D.A. (2009). Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorders: a randomized, controlled trial. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 50 3, 224-34.


Child and Family Therapy Services in New Jersey


At Love Play Grow, it is our goal to provide quality, compassionate care for kids, teens and adolescents, adults, and families. and enrich their lives with the skills they need to love, play, and grow into their best selves.

Top-Rated Play Therapist in NJ

Love Play Grow is a HOLISTIC PLAY THERAPY and Professional Counseling Boutique for Kids, Teens, Adolescents, Adults, & Families in New Jersey

Expert care and guidance for ADHD, learning disabilities, OCD, anxiety disorders, depression, behavioral issues, parenting issues, divorce, sibling issues, etc. Love Play Grow is where love and play, nurture growth, through every stage of life.

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